Non-GMO Policy
We are 100% committed to making sure that we provide only the safest food choices for you and your family. That’s why we’re proud and ardent supporters of the Non-GMO Project and their mission to educate the public on the issue of genetically-modified organisms, or GMOs, in our food supply.
Non-GMO Policy On New Grocery Products
While we do not claim to be 100% GMO-free, we have taken decisive steps to provide our customers with as many non-GMO choices as possible. We will not accept any new grocery item containing the top 5 most high-risk GMO crops (corn, soy, canola, sugar beets, alfalfa) into our stores unless they are organic and/or verified by the Non-GMO Project. This includes products containing ingredients such as fructose that are produced using corn. We strongly encourage any manufacturer making a GMO-free claim to have that claim certified by the Non-GMO Project.
This service will benefit both the consumer and the manufacturer.

You’re not taking in any new items containing GMOs, what about everything else in the store? Aren’t you knowingly selling us GMOs?
Few if any stores in the US and Canada are truly GMO-free, but we do everything we can to move in that direction. We will continue to do our best to limit any products that contain GMOs and will continue to find suitable organic/non-GMO replacements for items containing GMOs.
You can help us do this by choosing Non-GMO Project Verified and Organic products when you shop, and by encouraging friends and family to do the same. Look for the seal, check the Non-GMO Project’s iPhone app or product search page, or ask one of our knowledgeable team members for help.
What about other departments, such as Produce and Fresh Foods?
All of our produce is 100% organic, which by default means it has not been genetically modified. This same produce is what we use in our Fresh Foods department. We have taken great care to ensure that almost all ingredients in our kitchens are organic or Non-GMO Project Verified; we still continually seek out replacements for products which do not meet those standards.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please feel free to get in touch with us, review one of our resources below, or visit the Non-GMO Project at for more information.